


For 4 players.



Set up two pairs of two beer bottles: each pair is a frisbee-width apart, and the pairs are 10 meters apart, all four forming a really long rectangle. Some people demand you cover your bottles in shiny tape. In the center of the rectangle place the cup.

The four people split into two teams of two. Pick a set of bottles to defend.

Please shake hands to initiate cordial rivalry. Play rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes first.


Each round starts with the center cup customarily full of about an inch full of beer. All players have to stand behind their bottles until the offense releases the disk, which starts the round. Players can begin running upon release, they do not need to wait for a bottle to be hit.

Offensive Play

The offending team has two roles: thrower and macker.

The thrower tries to knock over the defense’s bottles, throwing the disk from behind their bottles. If one is knocked over, they can score points on a return throw; they run to get the disk, then try to knock over (only) their own bottles in a return throw from behind the opponent’s bottles. If no bottles are knocked over on the initial throw, the round ends immediately. One point is awarded per bottle knocked over by the thrower.

The macker helps the return throw by macking it into the their own bottles and can pass the disk back to the thrower for more retries until the defense ends the round. After the initial hit on the defense’s bottles, all attempts are only made on the offense’s own bottles for additional points.

Defensive Play

The defending team has two roles: drinker and caller.

The drinker is the primary defensive player. Their main goal is to prevent bottles from being hit on the return throw. Their secondary goal is to end the round by touching the disk (in the air or on the ground, but not while it is in the offense’s hand). The drinker is not allowed to leave the midline or turn around and face the return throw until they have drank the beer in the center cup. They are allowed to wave their hands and move side-to-side while drinking to attempt to hit the disk during the return throw. Once the beer is done, they can move freely. The drinker should refill the beer at the end of the round.

The caller tells the drinker:

  1. If the initial throw hit. The drinker is allowed to start running towards the cup as soon as the offensive thrower releases the disk, so they will be in front of their bottles and unable to see if the initial throw hit.

  2. Which direction the return throw is coming from while they are still drinking and their back is turned so they can attempt to play defense before finishing the beer.

Role Rotation

After each round, teams alternate playing offense and defense. Players swap roles on offense after every throw. Players swap roles on defense only after the round ends due to the disk being touched by the defense.

Special Events

If at any point any player knocks over the center cup in any way, they have to drink a full beer and refill the cup.

If the drinker’s body touches the disk before the initial throw comes to rest, that is a foul and the thrower gets another throw if they thought the disk might hit a bottle.

A tweener is when the initial throw goes between both bottles without knocking either over. The thrower gets another throw if that happens. Three tweeners in a row reset the score to zeros.


First team to 21 points wins. Win by two. There is a rebuttal. If the rebuttal brings the score back within a two point differential, normal gameplay resumes.

After the game, please shake hands to terminate cordial rivalry.


Once one team scores 21 points, the losing team continues to play back-to-back offensive rounds until a round does not score a point.

The losing team will have just played defense before their rebuttal starts. They customarily pour a larger cup of beer for the winning team to have to consume as part of defense.

